Open to all college and high school students, faculty and staff, our showcase lets you exhibit your creativity, innovations and entrepreneurial spirit. Whether it’s a business, nonprofit, novel research, or just a great idea, we want to see your work on display! Compete in one of three events for your chance to win up to $1,000!

请注意: The Spring 2024 狮子’s Innovation Showcase will be held on Friday, April 19th from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Rayburn Student Center at 皇冠体育365赌博&M 商务.

The Opportunities Are Endless

We want you to discover innovative ideas for either new or existing products. Opportunities will present themselves, all you need to do is take the initiative.

How It Benefits You

  • Present your ideas to real investors
  • Make money by selling your products
  • Raise funds for campus organizations
  • Network with potential employers
  • Create social awareness

Our Categories

业务 Pitch

Do you have a marketable product or business idea? Tell others of your innovative services through our 业务 Pitch category.

Non-Profit Pitch

Do you want to make a difference in the world? Do you have ideas for bettering your community? Present your written plan or “pitch” to real investors. Help those around you by turning your ideas into reality.


Have an idea on how automation can solve a problem? Design a solution and pitch it to judges in a “Shark Tank” style competition. This challenge is a joint effort with the Makerspace in the College of Science and Engineering.

联系 Us

  • 8750 N US 75-Central Expy, 1000
  • P.O. 3011箱
  • 达拉斯, TX 75231
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